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I've been tagged. It was a first and I didn't even know what it meant. Yep, I lead a sheltered life. Anyway, I was tagged by Tokyo Knitter and I'll play, even though I couldn't really find six wierd things to say about myself.

BTW, here are the rules, as I received them. "Each player of this game starts with the "6 weird things about you." People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog."

I am not sure any of this qualifies as wierd — it certainly doesn't to me — so I picked things that some people have considered unusual in the past.

1. I was raised by nuns (for the most part).

2. I only write with pencils. I suppose it's something to do with commitment. I just can't bear to put things down permanently; I need multiple levels of undo. "Command+Z" was invented for me.

3. I go to great lengths to avoid crowded places. I am neither claustrophobic nor agoraphobic, but I feel uncomfortable when trapped, regardless of the size of the place. In restaurants, I sit against the wall and facing the door; it's one of those thingsā€¦

4. I am hypersensitive to smells. Some smells and scents drive me up the wall and give me instant headaches. The worst are cinnamon, patchouli, chemicals (some cleaning products), and perfumes.

5. I am trying to learn Japanese on my own. Not the smartest way, I know, but it's what my budget allows at the moment.

I really can't think of anything else. I guess five will have to do.

Ah yes, I am supposed to tag six other bloggers, but I am not sure they'll like it, so I'll skip that part. When I looked around at what getting "tagged" means in the blog world, I found that many bloggers don't like being tagged or have been tagged too many times and are tired of it.


#1 - there must be a story there! Closest I've been to a nun was back in Singapore. Although I'm not Catholic, I went to Catholic schools till I was 18.

I h8 crowds. Thank goodness for online shopping and cable TV ;-)

ah-ha, i didn't know #2, but i knew all the others. i feel privileged ;)

#4 reminds me of all the times i'd swear i didn't put on perfume, and yet your nose would itch. eek! i'd forgotten about my scented shampoo or..

hmm, for #6 (can we volunteer weird things about you? ;) ), how about that you hate cinnamon? i definitely learned *that* lesson.

;) sorry to hear about your neck!! be careful, you!

May I recommend japanesepod101.com to help you with your Japanese studies? I lived in Japan for 2 years and learned Japanese the "hard" (or maybe the easy?) way - my home-stay family spoke NO English. Heh. It's been almost 3 years since I lived there (I returned to the states in 2004 to go back to school), but I still remember a lot of it.

I have a few books I could recommend, too, if you want! Let me know!

Ganbatte kudasai, ne!

I always wonder ... if we can write checks using pencil. I've never tried ...