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A little reading

  This week I got a kick out of an article on Science News: Crafty Geometry: Mathematicians are knitting and crocheting to visualize complex surfaces, by Erica Klarreich.

Crafty Geometry is featured on the December 23 + 30 paper issue (Vol. 170 Nos. 26 + 27) and also available to non-subscribers on the Science News website.

On a difference subject, if you are interested in food, check out The Alchemist - Part 1 on Technology Review. As unlikely as it sounds, it's about a chef — Grant Achatz — and his restaurant Alinea in Chicago. This 32-year old chef is blowing food critics' minds by using high-tech cooking methods, unusual ingredients and odd presentations which include custom-made holders and contraptions such as pillowcases filled with aromatic air that are placed under a dish and slowly release scents captured during cooking through tiny holes. Cool, huh?


thanks for such fascinating links. the article from Crafty Geometry, and its explantion of exponential growth at the cicumference of a hyperbolic/crocheted circle explains why the brims on the 2 hats I've just crocheted are woefully wavy!

Thank you Francesca for the link to Crafty Geometry. I think the Lorenz manifold is stunning to look at. It reminds of some of the rather spectacular head pieces sometimes seen at some Japanese designer fashion shows. It is heartening to see the use of knitting and crochet in 3 dimensional design expanding.

Great little article! I really enjoyed reading it.