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Visiting hours

One friendly kitty outside…

One grumpy kitty inside…





One of these days the glass will give in when Kelvin throws himself against it with all his might. For now it's holding.


Somehow I don't think visiting hours went well...

The meezer is doing what they do best - taunting !!

Oh ... the visiting kitty is pretty ... Kelvin doesn't like her?
I am amazed at how a big boy Kelvin is!

And I thought only dogs would be so silly as to run into glass. My mistake - lol!

Ciao Francesca, sono rimasta incantata dal tuo micione, è davvero bellissimo!!!

Do we laugh or cry? What does P think of K's behavior?

Kelvin is so pretty. What kind of cat is he?

Lekkerkraft, Kelvin is a British shorthair. Our other cat, Pipie, is the same breed. They are very people-oriented and make wonderful pets. Not that you could tell from looking at these pictures, but Kelvin is a true lap cat. :)

Both glass and cat seem pretty sturdy. At least he's not trying to learn to open the door! Is this Siamese an old nemesis?

Talk about defending his territory. Somebody sure wants to make sure those visitors know who's home this is. No trespassing!

We had a very fluffy feline visitor a few months ago and my skinny kitty cats were really intrigued as they have never seen such a fluffy cat!
By the way, I really loved your dog's photo.
Twisted cast on is handy for decorative purpose but I always find it not elastic enough. So I tend to cast on loosely.