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House of bug

  We've been a sick household for the past several days. So far the only one who hasn't gotten the bug is Ben and we are keeping our fingers crossed. I think I picked up the latest cold-flu bug last Saturday from one of our guests. The open house is always fun although I get stressed ahead of time and usually feel sorry afterwards that I don't seem able to talk to my friends much, but I hope they know that it's all part of being a host.

I am happy to report that my second torta di riso came out better than the first one. Getting a kitchen scale, a zester and a rectangular spring form made a big difference. I also made a couple of modifications to the original recipe. If Giorgio gives me the okay, I'll translate his mom's recipe (plus my adaptations) into English and post it here in the next few days. I've had requests already. :)

Everybody seemed to find food they enjoyed, including the cats.

Kelvin grabbed a filet of smoked trout, whiskered a bowl of crème fraiche, and tried at least a dozen laps, mostly clad in black trousers. Lint rollers were happily passed around throughout the day. Pipie got his face in the cheese bowl and ate several emmental cubes coated in cornstarch. If you were here, not to worry; that happened *after* the cheese fondue.

And now I'll go flop on the sofa and feel sorry for myself and Pipie (he's sick, too) 'til we beat this stupid bug.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo a tutti!


Merry Christmas to you, too. Hope you feel better soon.

Sorry to hear that you are under the weather. Feel better soon!

Get better soon!

Redundant after your other comments, but I do hope that you're better soon.

And Pipie and Kelvin and I hope that Ben does not get it but takes good care of the rest of you.

Hope you feel better very soon .
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année Francesca , et Vive le Tricot !

Hope you'll be much better for Christmas Day: and here's to a Merry Christmas and a wonderful, yarn and creativity-filled 2008.

That food sounds delicious! I hope you feel better and have a wonderful Christmas and New Years!

Get well soon, Francesca, and have a very happy Christmas!!

I am so sorry you guys are under the weather. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Have a very happy holidays and a beautiful new years!

Dear Francesca, I hope all of your household feels better soon and wishing you a wonderful holiday!
Buon Natale and Nuovo Anno!

Auguri, buone feste!

Tanti auguri in ritardo, Francesca!!!
E spero che tu ti sia rimessa (e anche Pipie)