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What can I say? Even when I am closely supervised (see a very alert Kelvin by the window)…

… corners are my nemesis.

Not enough board space…

… and not enough T-pins…

… but I had enough flower and quilting pins (quilters will be horrified), to block the whole shawl.

Pipie stepped gingerly on the shawl and sniffed out the pins; ooh, shiny! Fortunately, I caught him before he tried to eat any and he retreated to his new kitty condo.

For the next blocking session, I'll make sure to buy another box of T-pins or two.

And now we can all relax while the shawl dries completely.


It has been quite the emotional roller coaster ride to read what happened to your shawl. It is so wonderful that you immediately pushed through and it. Your shawl is amazing. Please post pictures in which you're wearing it!

Also, I'm dying to know how you enjoy the session with Cookie A. I'd like to wait to take a class with her until after I've knit one of her designs. I, too, bought the German Stocking pattern, and I've got the yarn, but I haven't yet begun. I'm trying to finish up my other current projects first. What questions did you have for Cookie A about the pattern? I read through the pattern yesterday and wondered what you thought.

Again, so glad your shawl is done!!

It still looks fabulous! I much prefer rectangular shawls.

Lucky Pipie and Kelvin. It should be called a kitty castle!

It's done! It's done! Feel so relieved for you ... no need for ultra big surgery! That's great.
Cats are really experts in seeking out comfort spots! Look at Kelvin!

YAY!!! And to think it seemed so bleak. The shawl is GORGEOUS. Go you!

how long is that shawl?!?

;) yay for kitty condos - lucky cats!

Nice work!

The shawl is gorgeous!
Love your kittens too!
Have been visiting for a couple of months and I really enjoy your blog. So, my first hello!
Can you tell us where the cool kitty condo came from?
Cheers, Kristen

Can't wait to see the finished shawl FO photos! The fixing in the last post looked SOOOO scary. Btw after reading about your little accident with scissors, I also snipped THE WRONG thread in a project I was finishing. Haven't fixed it yet though... and it wasn't a lovely lace project, as yours is. :-)

Yayyyy! I'm so glad you got to this point, after a long hard battle, you and the shawl are finally through it all and better for it :) Great job, and this makes a very good knitters story for years to come. It's beautiful, is it a gift or for yourself? After all that trauma, I couldn't imagine giving it away!

It's beeeeeautiful!
And what a wonderful friend to fix it for you. I was stressed out by the pictures; I can't imagine figuring that out.

The kitty condo came from Target and cost $50. It took over an hour to assemble and it's not the sturdiest thing in the universe, but the boys are taking to it. The alternative was one of those carpeted monsters from Petco that are ugly as hell and cost $150+, so I'm quite happy with this one. It's also very lightweight and I can move it around with one hand. Very handy when you are cleaning the floor!

That looks fantastic!

It's lovely! We missed you yesterday, but hope the class was fun. She is teaching on the cruise and I am looking forward to meeting her.

I was surfing and I found a book I thought you might find interesting with your talents, it is called Knitting loves Crochet, by Candi Jensen. I think it might be a direction you can use in California especially after the freeform class.Very nice cover.

Again, I love your great pages, very inspiring from here,

MJ Nichols
Tempe, Arizona