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Quilts of Provence

  We must have upset the technology gods, because we are having another spout of breakdowns: the fridge, a toilet, Ben's car, and my computer's been acting up, too. Yes, there seems to be no end to bad luck this summer. And the sofa definitely needs to go; all the disinfestation work was useless. So, to cheer myself up, I bought this book as an early birthday present. Given that I have ten more days, I'll probably treat myself to another book or two. Hey, I deserve it.

Quilts of Provence: The Art and Craft of French Quiltmaking
by Kathryn Berenson
ISBN 0-9724369-0-1


  1. Introduction

  2. The Needle Arts of Provence

  3. Embroidery from Within

  4. Provençal Colors, Provençal Patterns

  5. On the World Stage

  6. Continuing the Tradition

  7. Resources

The mustard yellow above is probably my all-time my favorite color.


Wow--you have a fabulous collection of books!

That book has some gorgeous things. Are we going to see you doing some of them in the future?