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Rainy Monday

Mondays are usually very busy, but this morning is crazy. At 8am we were already juggling last minute changes and urgent requests on four active projects. And it's pouring down in buckets. Piper is sleeping in my office and Kelvin has finally settled down after roaming the house like a madcat on drugs. Rain does that to him.

I actually like the rain; it's a welcome change from the local boring weather. There, I said it: Southern California weather is boring. People here look I at me like I am crazy when I say that, but I grew up in northern Italy, with real seasons. When it rains, I am reminded of the things I miss.


bring on the real seasons, i agree! on days like this, us non-so-cal-locals are grinning at the stormy rain, right? ;)

hope your afternoon is less hectic!