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Japanese embroidery books

  Yesterday I spent the day with a friend that will soon move out of LA. In the morning we went to Little Tokyo where we spent some time at Kinokuniya. I didn't find the sewing books I was looking for, but we didn't leave empty handed. I bought two embroidery books and one Aranzi Aronzo book of sewing patterns, and Andrea bought a book on basketry and a knitting magazine. Just outside Weller Court there was a small Farmers Market, so we also got a bunch of fruit and vegetables. Back to my place we had lunch and spent most of the afternoon taking pictures of an Italian knitting cast-on technique. The gran finale was a huge bowl of strawberries marinated in sugar and red wine. A very good day.

This is one of the embroidery books: One & Only.

One & Only (all in Japanese)
ISBN 4-09-310377-1
80 pages

This is my favorite page in the whole book; I especially like the maps.

Table of content, page 1

Table of content, page 2


Cute embroidery book! I've been going crazy with buying sewing, zakka, and embroidery books too lately. Let me know which sewing books you're interested in if you'd like me to look for them here!